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UK Shared Prosperity Fund (UKSPF) in Sunderland


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Introduction to UKSPF

Sunderland, as a lead authority area, was allocated a total of £16,577,891 to invest over three years with the majority of activity and funding in 2023-24 and 2024-25. This is broken down into £14,936,161 of UKSPF core funding and £1,641,730 for the Multiply programme.

Sunderland is in a strong position to utilise its full UKSPF allocation alongside other funding streams and has identified priority interventions for support to maximise outcomes for its residents, communities, and businesses. As at 08 October 2024 the programme has allocated 100% of the available grant to 27 projects. An overview of the approved Sunderland UKSPF projects can be found here: Sunderland UKSPF Projects

The Investment Plan for Sunderland builds on the existing priorities set out in the City Plan 2023-2035.

UKSPF and the Sunderland City Plan

Sunderland has an ambitious City Plan that sets out the longer term vision for Sunderland to be 'a connected, international city with opportunities for all.'

To achieve this, the City Plan has three key themes: 

  • Sunderland will be a dynamic smart city with more and better jobs, a low-carbon economy and a great choice of housing. It will be a leading digital city, deploying smart and sustainable technologies for the benefit of residents, businesses and visitors;
  • it will be a healthy smart city where people will live healthier, independent lives for longer. It will be a clean and attractive city with great transport and travel links;
  • and it will be a vibrant smart city with more resilient people feeling safe in their homes and neighbourhoods. There will be a range of opportunities for people to participate in their communities and in cultural events and activities

The UKSPF investment plan supports the overarching City Plan vision and the three themes, and will invest in priority interventions and activities that can be delivered between now and March 2025.

The UKSPF Investment priorities

The investment plan has considered the challenges and opportunities for Sunderland in the context of three investment priorities set out by Government in the UKSPF prospectus:

  • Communities and Place
  • Supporting Local Business
  • People and Skills

The investment plan aligns with the overall fund objectives which are to:

  • Boost productivity, pay, jobs and living standards, especially in those places where they are lagging
  • Spread opportunities and improve public services, especially in those places where they are weakest
  • Restore a sense of community, local pride and belonging, especially in those places where they have been lost
  • Empower local leaders and communities, especially in those places lacking local agency

UKSPF in the North East

Discussions continue to take place across the North East region, and with neighbouring local authorities, to explore areas where we have common challenges and opportunities, and where it makes sense to think regionally to potentially create a bigger impact.

Contact details

Please contact us at for any general enquiries on UKSPF or if you have any questions or require further information.

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