Have your say on gambling premises
Residents and businesses can still have their say on City Council policy towards gambling premises, permits and licenses.

Consultation closes on Tuesday 13 August.
Following this consultation, the council will prepare a revised gambling policy. Called the Statement of Principles, it will run for the three years from January 2025.
These gambling principles cover high street betting premises, casinos, bingo premises, adult gaming centres and family entertainment centres.
There are currently 35 Sunderland premises licensed by the council for gambling purposes. This includes 22 high street betting premises.
Chair of Sunderland City Council's Licensing Committee, Councillor Jill Fletcher said: "We always want to hear the views of residents and this regulation of gambling premises is no exception. The views we receive can help shape and regulate what happens over the next three years."
You can read more about the draft principles here: Consultation on Gambling Act Statement of Principles 2025-2028 - Sunderland City Council
Comments can be mailed to licensing@sunderland.gov.uk or in writing to: Sunderland City Council, Licensing Section, City Hall, Plater Way, Sunderland, SR1 3AA.
Cllr Fletcher added: "The principles guide the policy to help ensure that any gambling is not a source of crime or disorder, it is conducted in a fair and open way, and that children and other vulnerable persons are protected from harm or exploitation."
Since the Statement of Principles was last updated in 2022, there have been four new gaming premises licences, three of these were issued due to relocations, and one new betting premises licence was issued.
A further five premises have closed since 2022.